A limerick I’ve tried to write
But can’t get it down or tight
As much as I try
It’s week and dry
I give up, try as I mightI stand in the shower
My head against the wall
15” below the showerhead
Allowing the water
That could boil a lobster
To do it’s healing work
On my traps and back
That have been punished by
Way too much seat time
On the forklift
This week
And hours to come
On the ‘morrow
But the real truth
That as the hot water
Pelts down on my body
The stress and frustration
Of the week
Disappears with the physical
I am one
Body, soul and spirit
When one is in distress
The rest of me follows
(I realize that this is probably unfinished
That several lines needed to be added
So some reasonable conclusion is
But at the moment
Those thoughtful
Escape me )
In the days of my discontent
In the days of my disbelief
In the days of my sorrow
Misery, and pain
Still a sliver of light
A brief glance of hope
The smallest hint that
Better days are coming
Whether truth or fiction
I do not know
But I hold on to the
Slimmest thread
That tomorrow
Or one of the tomorrows
Will be better
Then today
I sit
At my computer
A fine glass
Of bourbon
Just inches from
My left hand
But my
Mood is
Less then
It should be
All is well
Right now
But the crappy
Change that
Crappy workdays
And the only thing
To console me
Is the bourbon
And my cats
I truly need
A life
But have not the energy
To reconnect
My ex
Soured me