‘Twas the night before
The night before
And all through the house
Several creatures were stirring
And all of them cats
I had wished that the stirring
Was a well-shaped blond
But then again
At my age
I couldn’t respondThe mind restlessly searches
The body fears the search
As it has grow far
Too old to
Follow the minds desires
And yet while it acknowledges
The body’s limitations
The mind
Continues it's
relentless pursuit
I am as it were
Two people who inhabit the same body
The physical, which admits my inabilities
And the mental, emotional, spiritual
Which ignores them
I seek for release
I seek for release from the problems that now require my attention
I truly desire release
I true desire an end to the problem
But I have no power
No magic spell
No secret potion
The ball is in some one else’s court
I loved them once
Or at least was in lust
I thought well mistakenly
That they felt the same
I thought a reasonable person
One who at least
Shared a common goal
What I fool I was
I believed
I trusted
I had faith in another
How dumb was that
I stand to lose nothing
Which matters
My ability to trust
Nothing makes sense
But the fact that I know
Or at least I hope someday it will
I really don’t care
What the “end game” might bring
I just wish that
The “end game” was nowI wander though the experience called life
I have no map
No real plan
No real understanding of the path I should take
I make my choices on the basis of
And sexual attraction
Life is a journey they say
But for me
Life is an endless
Series of choices
I don’t think that it matters
What you chose
As long
As your chose